Enjoy singing Johnny B Goode Karaoke by Chuck Berry with our online karaoke. Find the lyrics and their instrumental version.


Lyrics Chuck Berry – Johnny B Goode (Karaoke)

Deep down in Louisiana close to New OrleansWay back up in the woods among the evergreensThere stood a log cabin made of earth and woodWhere lived a country boy named Johnny B. GoodeWho never ever learned to read or write so wellBut he could play a guitar just like a-ringin’ a bell
Go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goJohnny B. Goode
He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sackGo sit beneath the tree by the railroad trackOh, the engineers would see him sitting in the shadeStrumming with the rhythm that the drivers madeThe people passing by they would stop and say“Oh my what that little country boy could play”
Go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goGo Johnny, go, goJohnny B. Goode
His mother told him “someday you will be a manAnd you will be the leader of a big old bandMany people coming from miles aroundTo hear you play your music when the sun go downMaybe someday your name will be in lightsSaying “Johnny B. Goode tonight”
Go, goGo Johnny, goGo, go, go Johnny, goGo, go, go Johnny, goGo, go, go Johnny, goGoJohnny B. Goode

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