Enjoy singing Nothing else matters Karaoke by Metallica with our online karaoke. Find the lyrics and their instrumental version.


Lyrics Metallica – Nothing else matters (Karaoke)

So close, no matter how farCouldn’t be much more from the heartForever trusting who we areAnd nothing else matters
Never opened myself this wayLife is ours, we live it our wayAll these words, I don’t just sayAnd nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in youEvery day for us something newOpen mind for a different viewAnd nothing else matters
Never cared for what they doNever cared for what they knowBut I know
So close, no matter how farIt couldn’t be much more from the heartForever trusting who we areAnd nothing else matters
Never cared for what they doNever cared for what they knowBut I know
I never opened myself this wayLife is ours, we live it our wayAll these words, I don’t just sayAnd nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in youEvery day for us something newOpen mind for a different viewAnd nothing else matters
Never cared for what they sayNever cared for games they playNever cared for what they doNever cared for what they knowAnd I know, yeah, yeah
So close, no matter how farCouldn’t be much more from the heartForever trusting who we areNo, nothing else matters

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